Class 12 Examination Starts, 4 Lakh 32 Thousand 500 Students Are Participating
Class 12 examination has started. The exam will be of one and a half hours with 432,500 students from all over the country participating. Health standards have been fully adopted in the examinations to be held in 4,105 schools.
The fever of the student appearing in the examination must be tested. Masks are mandatory. They will be able to take the exam in their own school for about an hour and a half, i.e. the board has arranged a home center.
Chairman of the board Prada Chandra Mani Poudel informed that there is an arrangement to keep only 20 people in a room with a distance of two meters. The board says that the examination was conducted with the help of local bodies.
The National Examination Board has made arrangements to conduct the examination from the examination centers of different districts. For that, the concerned school will have to send the admission card to the student.
According to the board, the number of students taking the exam from different districts is around 13,000. Others have been barred from entering since the exams began. The head of the center and the inspector have also made it mandatory to test for fever and wear a mask.
A separate cord has been arranged for all the centers to view the question papers. There is an arrangement to view the question paper according to the code number.